Snow White? Part II

This is an example, albeit an extreme one, of what a snowbank in Salluit looked like yesterday. I kicked a little white patch on the bottom right hand corner for the purpose of contrast. Most of the dark matter is dust deposited during blizzards, but there is some vegetation mixed in.
I'd say that about 60% of the snow cover has disappeared, but we can expect little sheltered snow drifts to survive until the end of July. The sea ice is still in the bay, but should go out suddenly in about 3 weeks time (mid-June).
Yeech! Definitively darker than ours at the end of winter... Quoique dans le centre-ville, ça ressemble pas mal à ça.... :)
This brings to mind the saying "don't eat yellow snow". Not that anyone would need to be told not to touch that stuff. How many dogs are running around up there anyway?
I was thinking the black was shed husky fur. Yukon leaves a ring around the house...
That's just not write. June? We're already in the mid-90's here.
I never knew snow was white to begin with anyway... IF we ever get real snow over here it turn into a sloppy thawing mess within hours... It ends up looking like a kinda grey-ish blurry snot...
And I think the real reason it freaks Fab out, is because the pic kinda looks like a dead lemur...
Looks like a clear Manchester sky...!
Fook me!
That kind of look like my lazy fat asshole boss' obese wife lying down in her sweater.
Urgh! I really don't miss snowbanks. That's more of a mountain than a bank, though.
Egads! Looks like snow in Noo Yawk in a matter of hours.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
utt notch myers loy
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