Sunday, February 18, 2007

Select All, Copy, Paste

Select All, Copy, Paste. Select All, Copy, Paste. . .

Sorry about not posting for the past few days, but I've been working on a family project for my sister's 50th birthday fete. And in true Nanuk style, the project I've taken on has morphed into something so large that the party has been and gone already. Funny, it didn't seem so large when I started out. Deadlines - meh!

I thought, since my sister lives a good 1,300 miles to the south, that I'd put together a short cartoon using photos and adding legs and arms to them and then pasting them cel by cel into from Photoshop into Quicktime. Well, I've put together 39 seconds worth of MPEG4, which has taken about 15 hours so far. You see, I never figured that each second contains 25 frames, ergo around 1,000 cut and pastes.

Although my cartoon makes South Park look like something made by Max Fleischer, it isn't half bad. My character actually move around the screen, flap their wings and kick. So tonight I'll record the audio track with my family, and with any luck I can upload it to my sister come Monday.

Select All, Copy, Paste. Select All, Copy, Paste. Select All, Copy, Paste. Don't worry, I've only got another 300 frames to go. What's RSI anyways?


Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

You have the patience of a clam. I have had a brief hiatus myself. Lots of cooking for the New Years party and today was mostly because of all the wine I drank. I am not 18 anymore an ought not drink like that!

You have a good one nanuk!!! Hope you post your cartoon, I would love to see it.

12:40 AM  

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